- `Men` should make a proper circulation into the blood stream of their `Legs` as they work hard each day and it keeps legs firmly toned with avoidance of stiffness all day.
- For the related beauty of the `Legs` they should be long and attractive because a `Stout personality` is rather discarded by this society;
- Exercising of `Legs and Ankles` regularly is mandatory; `Leg cramps` could come up!
- Do not increase the amount of weight for the `Legs` as over-weighted Legs get tired off very easily;
- `Leg Elevation` at the end of the hectic day schedule can be achieved by various other processes for ex: Stretching them over the bed, living room’s sofa, chair, etc;
- Extra pressure/overstrained mounted over the `Legs` in a form of extra weight is extremely harmful as pressure due to: Gymnasium Exercising, weight climbing over the stairs, etc. affects the exact alignment of the muscular structure of `Legs`; Do not over-weight them!
- Waxing or shaving too often can result in gooseflesh or ugly goose-bumps that spoil the beauty of shapely legs. Recommend a `skin specialist’s` advice!
- Massage` your legs regularly for having that comfort or relaxation without having a feeling of `Flabbiness` on the feet o toes;
- Lower body exercises such as squats, lunges, step ups, leg extension, leg curl and dead lifts can be done to improve leg muscles to shape a `Leg` according to the beauty tips.
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