Beauty Tips for Women

  • Sun Damage

It’s pretty difficult to avoid the sun's rays, but you'll be better off seeing less of them when possible. After all, the sun causes skin damage, which leads to fine lines and wrinkles that will show up in your later years. And the tanning beds that provide artificial sunlight aren’t much better than the sun, so they should also be avoided. Now that we’ve established this, here are some tips.

  1. Tip: It may seem as though sunblock isn't necessary during the winter, or on overcast days when the weather is cold; but you should still take precautions to protect yourself. The sun will come in contact with your skin as soon as you step foot outside, which means it’s important to stay protected even if you’re only checking the mail. Also, your clothes are not a barrier and do not protect you from the sun, so always apply sunblock over your body.
  2. Tip: The sun is strongest between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., so be especially cautious during this time period. Hats can be fashionable, and women have been wearing them for years now to protect themselves from the sun. In short, always remember to wear a hat when you're outside. Sunglasses also are important, fashionable, and keep wrinkles at bay as long as your glasses block at least 99% of UVA sunlight.

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