Tips for a Balanced Diet

Learning the habit of eating healthy is absolutely vital for your health. An important part of this process is learning how to balance your diet with a variety of foods as well as developing good eating habits. According to, your nutrition can affect your growth, development, mood and energy levels. Even more, eating the proper foods daily can decrease your chances of getting certain conditions like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. With such importance placed on a healthy, balanced diet, keep these tips in mind.

  • Add Variety
Vary your food options by keeping in mind the major food groups. Fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, beans and oils should find their way into your diet on a regular basis so that you get the right amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients each day.
  • Control Portion Sizes.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, overeating in America can be partly explained by the increase in portion sizes over the last two decades. For this reason, keep in mind how much food is on your plate and how many servings you actually consume. It is common for a typical meal to contain at least two servings. Therefore, try to eat only half the food on your plate and save the rest for later.
  • Slow Down
Rushing through your meals inhibits your body from digesting your food properly, and you may not be absorbing all the possible nutrients. Take your time while eating by slowly and thoroughly chewing all of your food. According to "Women's Health" magazine, ghrelin, the signaling hormone for satiety, takes at least 20 minutes to alert your brain that it is full. Therefore, rapid eating does not give your body enough time to alert you that is it satisfied and to stop eating. As a result, you may end up overeating and taking in more calories than you desire.
  • Make a Colorful Plate
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, brightly and richly colored fruits and vegetables are an indication of the nutrients, minerals and antioxidants found naturally within them: green vegetables contain calcium; magnesium; iron; potassium; zinc; and vitamins A, C, E and K; and red and orange fruits are known for their antioxidants. Whenever possible, look for colorful foods to complement your dishes.
  • Limit Sugars
Limit the amounts of foods with added sugars. Sugary, starchy foods are high in calories and add little nutrition. They also cause your energy levels to fluctuate, which will leave you tired.
  • Drink Water
Your body is over 75 percent water as stated by the Not only is water vital for hydration, but it plays an important role in flushing out wastes and toxins. People who are not well hydrated can suffer from fatigue, headaches and cramps. Aim to drink six to eight 8-oz. cups of water each day.
  • Plan Your Meals
Pre-planning your meals will prevent spontaneous eating and bad food choices. Knowing what your are going to eat ahead of time will help you get into the habit of choosing healthy foods for each meal as well as save you time and money.

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