Gulab Ka Sharbat

As a child I liked to eat rose petals! Not only the taste (I definitely think so), to refresh the mouth. On a hot summer day, a tall glass, frosted Rose Sharbat can really cool. Another good way of having it in a glass of cold milk. Yummy! This recipe makes about 2 cups of Sharbat - I like mine nice and sweet, but you may want to dilute it more and therefore get more from this recipe.

  • 2 cups rose petals (well washed and dried with a paper towel)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • Juice of 2 lemons (strained)
  • 1 cup juice pomergranate (optional)

Coarsely crush the rose petals in a mortar and placed in a glass bowl. Pour 1 cup boiling water over the pasta and add the cardamom powder. Mix well, cover and leave overnight pending. In the morning, strain through a fine sieve. Add sugar and stir until dissolved - not hot. When the sugar has dissolved, add lemon juice and mix well pomergranate. The syrup is now ready and can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. To serve, pour some syrup in a tall glass, mix with cold water to taste and add crushed ice.
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